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Understanding Your Eyes & Vision

At McCauley Celin Eyecare Associates, our team is dedicated to helping educate others on the world of vision and eye care. Our blog is a collection of informative content on various eye care topics.

Are Contacts Prescriptions and Glasses Prescriptions the Same?

Glasses & Contact Lenses

The short answer is no, contact lens and glasses prescriptions are not the same. While both kinds of prescriptions are designed to give you clear vision, they interact with your eyes differently. […]

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January 2, 2025
Dr. Caitlin McCauley

How Often Should You Use Eye Drops for Dry Eyes?

Dry Eye, Eye Care

It turns out that overusing eye drops can create a dependency. As a general rule:
Over-the-counter artificial tears can be used around 2 to 4 times a day.
Preservative-free artificial tears can be used as needed, upwards of 6 to 8 times a day.
Prescription eye drops should be used as advised by your optometrist, which is generally once or twice a day.

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January 2, 2025
Dr. Caitlin McCauley

Can Wearing the Wrong Prescription Glasses Damage Your Eyes?

Children’s Eye Care, Eye Care, Glasses & Contact Lenses

It’s typical for vision changes to happen as you age. However, many people don’t realize that this means their prescription also needs to be updated. Wearing the wrong prescription glasses won’t permanently damage your eyes, but it can cause discomfort and vision issues such blurred vision, eyestrain, dizziness, and headaches. Many people try to make […]

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November 22, 2024
Dr. Caitlin McCauley
An optometrist wearing a white coat holds up a set of contacts in one hand and a pair of glasses in the other.

The short answer is no, contact lens and glasses prescriptions are not the same. While both kinds of prescriptions are designed to give you clear vision, they interact with your eyes differently. […]

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A patient wearing all gray is applying eye drops.

It turns out that overusing eye drops can create a dependency. As a general rule:
Over-the-counter artificial tears can be used around 2 to 4 times a day.
Preservative-free artificial tears can be used as needed, upwards of 6 to 8 times a day.
Prescription eye drops should be used as advised by your optometrist, which is generally once or twice a day.

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A smiling child wears three pairs of eyeglasses on their head while holding a fourth pair at the optometrist.

It’s typical for vision changes to happen as you age. However, many people don’t realize that this means their prescription also needs to be updated. Wearing the wrong prescription glasses won’t permanently damage your eyes, but it can cause discomfort and vision issues such blurred vision, eyestrain, dizziness, and headaches. Many people try to make […]

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Do Contact Lenses Expire?

Someone filling a contact lens case with contact lens solution

For 45 million Americans, contact lenses are the vision correction method of choice. There are many reasons for this. Some people appreciate the wider range of clear vision, while others like the ability to see better without affecting their appearance. Contact lenses are custom-fitted and come in different types designed for various vision needs. Whatever […]

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Eye Exams vs. Vision Tests: What’s The Difference?

A female optician is doing an acuity test on her male patient. An optician is pointing to a Snellen chart while the patient is calling out what is pointed on the Snellen chart

Eye exams and vision tests are vital for assessing your eye function and health. Sometimes, these can be confused for the same thing, but there are significant differences between them. An eye exam is a comprehensive evaluation of your vision and health conducted by an eye doctor (optometrist or ophthalmologist). In comparison, a vision test […]

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What’s the Difference Between Myopia & Astigmatism?

A woman that is sitting in front of her computer is looking to close at the screen

Each person’s eyes are unique to their body. But even unique eyes must have certain similarities to see properly. Even slight changes to shape could lead to a prescription for near or farsightedness. These are typically referred to as refractive errors. The two refractive errors we are discussing today are myopia and astigmatism. These eye […]

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We’re located on Brooktree Road in the Brooktree Center Office Park. If you have trouble finding us, please give us a call.

  • 1000 Brooktree Rd. Suite 300
  • Wexford, PA 15090

Closed for lunch 12:40 pm to 1:40 pm


Find us just off Perry Highway next to Allegheny North Veterinary Hospital. Please give us a call if you have any trouble locating our office.

  • 956 Perry Hwy.
  • Pittsburgh, PA 15237

Closed for lunch 12:40 pm to 1:40 pm


Our practice is located just off William Flinn Highway. Give us a call if you have any problems finding us.

  • 5450 William Flinn Hwy.
  • Gibsonia, PA 15044

Closed for lunch 12:40 pm to 1:40 pm

View Our Brands

We carry a variety of fashion-forward brands, so you’re sure to find a pair of glasses that suit your style and vision needs. Once we determine your prescription, our friendly and knowledgeable opticians will help you find the perfect frames and fit for you.

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